Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, with integers as the antecedent and consequent, 4.9:7 is equal to 7:10.
what is 27:72 as a ratio in simplest form
18/7 is in its simplest form.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denomintor by 7, 28/49 is equal to 4/7 or four sevenths.
It is 9 to 7 in its simplest form
49 is only divisible by 7 and 1 and 49. None of the three numbers can make 100 evenly without decimals. So the simplest form of 49 percent is 49 over 100 or 49:100 49 ----- 100
To simplify any fraction or ratio you have to find a number that can be multiplied to get both numbers. In this case it would be the number 7, now you would just divide each by 7. So the simplest form of this ratio is 7 to 2.
14 over 49 in simplest form is 2/7.
The simplest form of the ratio is -7:1 or -7/1.
√49 = √(7²) = 7.
The simplest form of 7/49 is 1/7. All you have to do is divide both the bottom and top by the same number, 7.
It is 6/7 in its simplest form
It is: 7/10
what is 27:72 as a ratio in simplest form