240 divided into the ratio 53 = 4.528301886792453
the answer to the reduced ratio of 58 to 42 is 29 to 21.
42 / 63 = 66.666666666667%
The general formula for the distance between two numbers x and y on the number line is |x-y|. Plugging 42 and 95 in for x and y, we get |42-95|=|-53|=53. Notice that it doesn't matter which order we plug the numbers in: if we plugged 95 in for x and 42 for y, we'd get |95-42|=|53|=53. So either way we do it, the distance is 53.
28 : 42 = 2 : 3
sort the numbers 6 10 15 42 53 243 take the mean of central numbers that is 15 and 42 28.5
To find what 53/42 is in simplest form, divide 53 by 42 to find out whst the whole number will be. The whole number is 1 with 11 remainder, so the mixed bumber is 1 11/42. Since 11 is a prime number, tjhe answer is in simplest form.