55 out of 60 is a 91.67% (A)
The LCM of 55 and 60 is: 660
55 of 60 can be written as a fraction (55/60) and reduced to its lowest term (11/12). Or to convert it to a decimal or percent, divide 55 ÷ 60 = .9166666 or .917% (rounded)
Ratio 180 : 60 = 3 : 1
60:12 is the same ratio as 5:1
60 minutes in an hour 55/60 Numerator = 55 denominator = 60 55/60 = 11/12
55 out of 60 is a 91.67% (A)
55% of 60 is 33
55% of 60 = 60*55/100 = 3300/100 = 33
55 / 60 = 0.91666666666667
The LCM of 55 and 60 is: 660
55% of 60 is 33
55/60 = 0.9166...
55 x 60 = 3000.
55 of 60 can be written as a fraction (55/60) and reduced to its lowest term (11/12). Or to convert it to a decimal or percent, divide 55 ÷ 60 = .9166666 or .917% (rounded)
ANSWER: 11560 greater than 55:= 60 + 55= 115