Well, honey, the ratio of miles to cab fare depends on the taxi company's rates. Typically, it's calculated by dividing the total fare by the number of miles traveled. So, if you want to know the exact ratio, you better check the fare chart or ask the driver - they'll give you the scoop.
The ratio of miles to cab fare is a quantitative relationship between the distance traveled in miles and the cost of the cab ride. This ratio is typically expressed as a fraction, where the numerator represents the number of miles traveled and the denominator represents the cost of the cab fare. For example, if a cab ride costs $20 for a 5-mile trip, the ratio of miles to cab fare would be 5 miles to $20, or 5:20, which can be simplified to 1:4.
A ratio tells the relationship of two measurements that stays the same even as the measurements increase or decrease. 1 yard is about 0.000568 miles. The ratio is thus 1/0.000568.
5280/1 mile
1 miles = 5280 feet, so you would use the equation 5280x = y, where x is miles, and y is the feet.To convert 1.5 miles to feet, you take 5280 x 1.5 = 7920 feet.
what ratio would you use to convert 6.1 hours to minutes
Cab fare
He paid the cab fare in cash.
The cast of Cab Fare - 2008 includes: Leif Gantvoort Jeremy Luke
The cast of The Cab Fare - 2012 includes: Helen Yuen as May (Elderly)
The bus fare to Schenectady is $3.00; the cab fare for the same distance is $32.00.
You will either pay the fare to ride in the cab, or you will have to walk.
no, not a medical necessity
Cab fares in Sarasota County and City are $2 + $2.25 per mile so doing the math the cab fare would be about $16.75 US dollars
If I mean private hire cab - that legally can only be pre-booked - the fare is negotiable. Usually private cab hire is cheaper.
About $60AUS
The distance from Penn Station to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is about 3.5 miles. The cab fare between those locations is around $15.00.