Looking for the lowest common denominator we find that 2 quarters equals 10 nickels. Therefore the ratio is 7 to 10 or 7/10.
Express the ratio below in its simplest form. 12 : 6
what is 27:72 as a ratio in simplest form
11 to 3 is in its simplest form.
It is: 1 to 3 in its simplest form
4 to 15
Looking for the lowest common denominator we find that 2 quarters equals 10 nickels. Therefore the ratio is 7 to 10 or 7/10.
Express the ratio below in its simplest form. 12 : 6
That is the simplest form.
The ratio 27 to 78 in its simplest form is 9 to 26
what is 27:72 as a ratio in simplest form
The ratio of 338 to 382 in its simplest form is 169 to 191
5/19 is in its simplest form.
divde 120 sweets by the ratio 1:3
The ratio 44 to 12 in simplest form is 11 to 3.