The real world is often used to describe the environment in which we are living. However, the Real World may also refer to the reality TV series aired on the MTV Channel.
Real world uses for vectors would be plotting courses for boats and planning the construction of roads
what is the study of the design, form and function of objects in the real world
to work
a model can not replicate all real world conditions --- study island :)
There are many ways quadratic equations are used in the real world. These equations are used to calculate area, speed and profit
Friar Laurence acted as in the world of fantasy, but in real he is in the real world. he act as an evil form in the real world.
Surely, the world is real.
It is food which is real and in the real world.
A fjord is a real world example of a fjord! They exist in the real world.
real world
real world
yes Disney world is real!!!
real world
real world
real world
real world
real world