Microfarad is a unit of capacitance used in most electronic applications which is equivalent to one millionth of a farad. Ampere on the other hand measures the rate of electron current or flow inside an electrical conductor.
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Relationship between values goals and standard
The relationship between e and log is that they are reciprocal of each other.
A formula is an equation that expresses a relationship between measurements.
A ratio shows the relationship between two quantities.Formula
Q=it Q = coloumbs I = current T = time
1 ampere (A) = 1000 milliampers (mA)
A microfarad measures electrical capacitance. A farad can be defined as the charge in coulombs, which is 1 ampere per second, that a capacitor will accept for the potential across it to charge one volt. A microfarad is equal to one millionth of a farad.
Andre Ampere didn't 'invent' the ampere. The unit for current was named many years after the death of Ampere, in his honour. The ampere is defined in terms of its magnetic effect -i.e. the resulting force between two, parallel, current-carrying conductors. It was Ampere who discovered the relationship between current and force.
Ampere disconvered the relationship between the magnitude of an electric current and the force acting on a current-carrying conductor within a magnetic field. Thus, the unit of current, the ampere, was named in his honour.
power=i square*resistance or power=v suare/resistance
A kilowatt is an unit of true power in an AC circuit -as measured by a wattmeter. A kilovolt ampere is an unit of apparent power in an AC circuit, which is the product of the voltage across a load by the current through it. The relationship between the two is: kilowatt = (kilovolt ampere) x (power factor of load)
30 microfarads
It is a rating that is used to size capacitors in microfarad. MFD is an acronym for the word microfarad.
On comparing ampere and milliampere . we can tell the relation between them as follows. 1 amp =1000000 mamp.
Andre Ampere is famous for his work in the field of electromagnetism. He established the relationship between electric current and magnetic fields, known as Ampere's Law. This groundbreaking discovery laid the foundation for the development of electromagnetism and its applications in various technologies, such as electric motors and generators.
On the list that you posted with the question, there are no items that designate a 7 microfarad capacitor.