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A proportion is a statement that says "These two ratios are equal".

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Q: What is the relationship between two ratio's in a proportion?
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The relationship between two ratios is a .?


What is compound proportion?

Compound proportion refers to a mathematical relationship between two ratios where multiple quantities are compared. It involves comparing multiple ratios involving more than two quantities in a proportional relationship.

What is a statement of equality between two ratios called?

... a proportion.... a proportion.... a proportion.... a proportion.

What does it mean when two ratios form a proportion?

When two ratios form a proportion, the ratios are equal

What ia a proportion?

A proportion is a relationship between two equal ratios or fractions. It compares corresponding parts of a whole and indicates how they relate to each other. Proportions are often used in math and statistics to solve problems involving ratios, percentages, and percentages.

An equation that states that two ratios are equal?

An equation that states that two ratios are equal is a proportion.

How do you describe a proportion?

A proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal. It is often written as a fraction with an equal sign between the numerators and denominators of the ratios. Proportions are used to compare the relationship between different quantities.

How can you check to see if two ratios form a proportion?

Any two ratios, provided the second is not 0, form a proportion.

Two ratios that are equivalent are said to be in what?

Two ratios that are equivalent are said to be in proportion

What is a equality of two ratios?

A proportion

An equality of two ratios is?


When using mathematics to evaluate alternatives which is a statement of equality between two ratios?

A proportion