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Q: What is the rightmost value of 0 as a placeholder for 01011010?
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Is 0 a number or a placeholder?


What decimal number does the binary number 1000 represent?

Each place value column in binary is twice the next one to the right; the rightmost place value column (of a whole number) is always the units column. Thus:10002 = 1 x 8 + 0 x 4 + 0 x 2 + 0 x 1 = 810

Is 0 a composite?

No. Zero isn't a number. It's a placeholder. Therefore, it can be neither composite nor prime.

Is 0 a real number?

NO, negative numbers are though. 0 is more like a placeholder. It's not a actual number. It CAN be a digit, though! Love, :D

What is the most used number in math?

Possibly 0; as 0 is imperative as a placeholder for all numbers. However, it is extremely difficult to predict what number is the "most used" in (generalised?) "math".

What is the scientific notation for 0.010 m?

0.010 in Scientific Notation = 1.0 x 10-2, since they specified the rightmost 0, it is considered significant.

How do you minus binary numbers which have many zeros at the centre eg 1100010 - 1010111 equals?


Why do you call the number 0 a zero?

Zero is a placeholder. The Ancient Chinese used it, the ancient Egyptians used it, ancient India and the Arabs used it. The word came into English from Italian zero.

What is the place value of 0 in the tens place?

Place value 0 in tens place is always 0 because 0 has no value.

What is value of 0 deger in trigonometric?

The value is 0.

What is the value of 0 in c?

the value of 0 is '1'.

Who invented 0 as a number?

I'm not exactly sure who, but the term developed in India meaning "something empty". Early Moslems (Muslims) adapted the term and named it "zero". And technically, 0 isn't a number, it's a placeholder.