mathematics is math math is short for mathematics
Pure Mathematics is the branch of mathematics that deals only with mathematics and how it works - it is the HOW of mathematics. It is abstracted from the real world and provides the "tool box" of mathematics; it includes things like calculus. Applied mathematics is the branch of mathematics which applies the techniques of Pure Mathematics to the real world - it is the WHERE of mathematics; it includes things like mechanics. Pure Mathematics teaches you HOW to integrate, Applied mathematics teaches you WHERE to use integration.
Only a person who does not understand mathematics is disadvantaged. Mathematics in itself has no disadvantages.
by using mathamatics, we can better understand the economic theories.mathamatical models, diffrensiation,linear programming these are very help full to make analysis of variabels
Mathematics is used extensively in the physical sciences, by mathematics itself is not a physical science.
accounting is general mathematics which improve your calculations and makes you a expert in mathematicx. So to be perfect in mathematics you have to make your account best than your mathematics.
accounting and mathematics was discovered by the ancient Chinese people
mathematics and accounting
In financial accounting, mathematics is used in calculating changes to the capital, assets and liabilities of a company. Most transactions are recorded in mathematical figures.
Accounting has close relationship with mathematics. The dual aspect concept, which is the basic concept of accounting, is expressed as a mathematical equation, known as accounting equation. Accounting computations such as computation of depreciation, determination of loan instalment, ascertaining of cash price in case of hire purchase and instalment systems requires use of mathematical techniques. Accountants now use statistical models, computers and operation research techniques. All these require knowledge of mathematics.
How much maths does accounting involve and is it possible to do a course or apprenticeship in accounting with a c grade in mathematics gcse
Management accounting uses lots of 'discrete mathematics'. Financial markets & related jobs use a lot of economics based mathematics. Look for any book on 'financial mathematics'.
economics,accounting,commerce, mathematics
+ Accounting. + Scientist.+ Teacher.+ Technician.feel free to add on!!!
you did the mathh wrong and must re-do it
In order to get a career in the financial world of online web accounting you need to have a background in finance with at least a bachelor's degree in pure mathematics.