A single number, such as 256196144100643616 does not represent a sequence.
They are square numbers
12The next number in the sequence is the previous # divided by 3. So, 324/3 = 108; 108/3 = 36; 36/3 = 12
A single number, such as 256196144100643616 does not represent a sequence.
100 percent of a number is the number itself. Therefore, 100 percent of 36 is 36.
No. As a general rule, factors cannot be larger than the number they're being compared to.
They are square numbers
12The next number in the sequence is the previous # divided by 3. So, 324/3 = 108; 108/3 = 36; 36/3 = 12
It could be many things as you didn't provide more numbers. the simplest rule could be subtract 60 and then double making the next number 12
.... 49, 36, 25, 16, 9, 4 and 1
36% of a number equates to 36/100 of that number. 36/100 = 9/25 expressed in its simplest form.
With a suitable choice of the generating rule, any number of your choice can be next.A simple polynomial, though isUn = (n3 - 8n2 + 11n + 36)/2 for n = 1, 2, 3, etc which gives the next number in the sequence as another 8.