Chordea Tendons
scientific calculators have scientific calculations such as scientific notation, but mechanical ones dont.
2,430,000 in scientific notation is 2.43 × 106
The scientific notation of 4.2ns is 4.2 × 100ns
A single wall that divides two cavities is a septum. A heart has a septum dividing the right and left sides.
The scientific term for the contraction of the heart is "systole." This is when the heart muscle contracts to pump blood out of the heart's chambers and into the circulatory system.
Cardiac is the adjective that denotes "heart."
Pansinusitis is the medical term meaning inflammation of all the sinus cavities.
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ventricles ashboo
The heart.
The term visceral means among or around or related to the organs. The term also means organs within the large internal cavities. These organs fit the second definition.
The muscle that the heart is made out of is called the cardiac muscle. There are terms that represent heart attack and the heart muscle, but there isn't an exact scientific name for "heart". It's simply called heart.
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