The set of whole numbers includes all numbers greater than 0 that do not require decimals to be expressed. Because -16 is less than 0, it is not a whole number. It is an integer.
Natural numbers consist of the set of all whole numbers greater than zero.
Set of even numbers less than 50 and more than 40 = {42,44,46,48}
the set of whole numbers less than 0
Yes, because there is no end to negative whole numbers in this set.
If you mean larger by "the set of whole numbers strictly contains the set of natural numbers", then yes, but if you mean "the set of whole numbers has a larger cardinality (size) than the set of natural numbers", then no, they have the same size.
It is {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3}
The set of whole numbers includes all numbers greater than 0 that do not require decimals to be expressed. Because -16 is less than 0, it is not a whole number. It is an integer.
Natural numbers consist of the set of all whole numbers greater than zero.
The set of natural numbers less than four is {1, 2, 3}.
Set of even numbers less than 50 and more than 40 = {42,44,46,48}
The LCM of two numbers will never be less than the GCF.
Yes, a set of even numbers less than 8 would include the numbers 2, 4, and 6. Even numbers are integers that are divisible by 2, meaning they have a remainder of 0 when divided by 2. In this case, the even numbers less than 8 are 2, 4, and 6.