The number is the square root of 128 times the square root of 128 = 128
The square root of 128 is 8 times the square root of 2 because it's an irrational number. An estimate is 11.313708498984760390413509793678
= 5.0396842
The seventh root of a number is the number that, when raised to the power of 7, equals the original number. To find the seventh root of 128, you would calculate 128^(1/7), which is approximately 2.0801. This means that 2.0801 raised to the power of 7 is equal to 128.
The value of the seventh power of two is 128.
The number is the square root of 128 times the square root of 128 = 128
It is: 2 to the power of 7 = 128
Two raised to the seventh power is 128.
The square root of 128 is an irrational number.
The cube root of -1 ("minus 1" or "negative 1") is -1. In fact all odd-numbered roots (i.e., the fifth root, the seventh root, the ninth root, etc.) of -1 are -1.
The square root of 128 is 8 times the square root of 2 because it's an irrational number. An estimate is 11.313708498984760390413509793678
square root of 128