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The area of a square is the square of its side length.
what is the area of a square with a side length of 5x
To find the length of a side of a square with an area of 10cm², you would take the square root of the area. The formula for the area of a square is side length squared, so to find the side length, you would take the square root of 10cm², which is approximately 3.16cm. Therefore, the length of a side of the square would be approximately 3.16cm.
The side length of a square with an area of 2 square units is: 1.414 units.
The length of a side is the square root of the area. √5.76 = 2.4 so the length of a side is 2.4 inches in this case.
The area of a square is the square of its side length.
Length of Side*Length of Side (in square units).
what is the area of a square with a side length of 5x
To calculate the area of a square, you multiply the length of one side by itself. The formula is: Area side length x side length.
To find the length of a side of a square with an area of 10cm², you would take the square root of the area. The formula for the area of a square is side length squared, so to find the side length, you would take the square root of 10cm², which is approximately 3.16cm. Therefore, the length of a side of the square would be approximately 3.16cm.
The square root of what? If you take the square root of the area, the answer will be the length of the side. If the area is, for example, in square meters, the length of a side will be in meters.
A square with a side length of 15 meters has an area of 225 square meters.
The area of a square is S2 where S is the length of one side. So the length of the side of the square is the SQROOT(AREA) or SQROOT(144cm2), which is 12 cm
The side length of a square if it has an area of 300 square inches is: 17.32 inches.
The length of the side of a square which has an area of 244 square meters is: 15.62 meters.
The side length of a square with an area of 2 square units is: 1.414 units.
The length of a side is the square root of the area. √5.76 = 2.4 so the length of a side is 2.4 inches in this case.