Contrapposto is a pose where a person is resting all of their weigh on one foot and their body rests on that side. It was significant to the renaissance because it shows that those artists were no longer interested in purely spiritual images, they wanted to depict what they actually saw. This interest in the natural form is called humanism, and drove much of the renaissance.
It has no significance at all, it is redundant.
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They have no significance.
it meaNs to love
Contrapposto is a pose where a person is resting all of their weigh on one foot and their body rests on that side. It was significant to the renaissance because it shows that those artists were no longer interested in purely spiritual images, they wanted to depict what they actually saw. This interest in the natural form is called humanism, and drove much of the renaissance.
Contrapposto is an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure in which the line of the arms and shoulders contrasts with while balancing those of the hips and legs.
Multiple artists reintroduced the principle of contrapposto between the medieval and rennaissance period. One very striking example is Donatello's David, a sculpture commissioned by the Medici family. It is the first free standing nude of the renaissance and uses contrapposto.
Kritios Boy
Kritios Boy
Polykleitos, in his sculpture of Doryphoros.
It is called contrapposto.
A sculpture that has someone standing firmly on both feet.
It was the first statue to illustrate the contrapposto stance
Contrapposto means that a figure is standing with all of his weight resting on one foot. The figure's body follows, and so the body is shaped slightly like an S curve. Typically the term is used to describe classical and renaissance art.