It is easier to work with simplified radicals just as it is easier to work with simplified fractions. A fundamental rule for math is to simplify whenever possible, as much as possible.
radical 89 cannot be simplified.
A radical expression is an expression that involves a square root, cubic root, etc.
√105 in radical form is √105. It has no square factors and so cannot be simplified.
It will be radical(62). It cannot be simplified.
6 radical 6
5 radical 2 (5√2)
2 radical(8) = 4 radical(2)
what is radical 2
You can multiply the radicands together if the radical is the same. So, the answer is radical 13*17=radical 221
- sqrt(49) = -7
It depends. Is the entire expression squared or just radical 7?Assuming the latter, then 6 + (√7)^2 = 6 + 7 = 13.
just round off the number after the decimal if it is above 5.