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60 degrees. You find this by taking 360 and dividing by the total sides (6) which leaves you with the degrees of the exterior angles, this exterior angle is how little you can rotate any polygon for that matter.

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Q: What is the smallest angle through which you can rotate a regular hexagon onto itself?
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What is the smallest turn that will rotate a regular hexagon onto itself?

60 degrees

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What is the minimum number of degrees that a regular hexagon can be rotated before it carries onto itself.?

360/6 = 60 degrees.

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Can a regular hexagon tessellate the plane by itself?

Yes because each interior angle is 120 degrees and angles around a point add up to 360 degrees

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The smallest multiple of a number is itself.

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Hexagon, hexagram, hexadecimal, hexavalent (as in chromium) "Hex" is a word in and of itself, as well.

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9 is the smallest multiple of 9. The smallest multiple of any integer is itself.

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No. No shape with 7 or more sides will tessellate with multiple copies of itself. All traigles and quadrilaterals will tessellate, there are 14 irregular pentagons (the last was discovered in 2016), and a number of hexagons - including the regular hexagon.

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