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It depends on how many sigdificant figures you are considering. If you are looking at 1 x 106 then 500,001 is the smallest whole number to round to one million, but really anything over 500,000 will round up. However if you are talking about 1,000,000., then anything over 999,999.5 will round up.

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Q: What is the smallest number that rounds to one million?
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What are the smallest and largest whole number that round to 500000 when rounded to the nearest million?

There aren't any. If you are rounding to the nearest million, any number 500000 and above rounds to one million. 499999 and below round to zero.

A number rounded to the nearest million is 4000000 One less than the same number rounds to 3000000 when rounded to the nearest million What number is it?

3,500,000 rounds up. 3,499,999 rounds down.

A number rounded to the nearest million is 4000000 One less than the same number rounds to 3000000 when rounded to the nearest million What is the number?

3,500,000 rounds up. 3,499,999 rounds down.

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1,000,000 (one million).

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How do you round 535392 to the nearest million?

That rounds to one million.

What is 1000000 rounded by 170?

One million is already a pretty round number. To the nearest 170, 1000000 rounds to 999940.

What is the biggest number you can round to 110000?

There is no biggest number that rounds to 110000. There is a smallest number that rounds higher. 110000.5, also represented by 110000.4999(infinitely repeating 9s) is the smallest number that rounds up to 110001. 110000.49 works, so does 110000.499, so does 110000.49999, so does 110000.4 followed by any FINITE string of 9s. But 110000.4 followed by an infinite string of 9s does not. The reason there is no biggest number that works is that if you were to pick ANY number that works, I could simply go one decimal position further. The numbers that round to 110000 form the half-open interval [109999.5,110000.5)

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It is 2.85 that rounds to 2.9 to one decimal place

289810304 round to the nearest million?

290,000,000 because 910,304 (the number after the millions places) is above half of the place to the left of it, for example it is more than 500,000, so it rounds up to 1 million, and you add one million to 289 million to get 290 million or 290,000,000.