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This section deals with the revision of place value.

Remember that we write decimal numbers in the form:

Thousands Hundreds Tens Units . Tenths Hundredths Thousandths

Example 1

Here are some number cards:

1 7 3 5

You can use each card once to make the number 1735, like this:

1 7 3 5

(a) What is the biggest number you can make with the four cards?

(b) Explain why you cannot make an even number with the four cards.

Note: It is often helpful to refer to a number line when comparing values;

a number line can also show negative values:

Remember that the symbol < means 'less than' and > means 'greater than'.

Example 2

Put the correct sign, < or = or >, into each sentence.

(a) -- 7 -- 2

(b) 3 -- 2 -- 5

(c) 3 -- 5 4 -- 6

Example 3

The arrow on this thermometer shows a temperature of 10 °C.

(a) Draw an arrow on the thermometer to show

a temperature of 24 °C.

Label the arrow 24 °C.

(b) Draw an arrow on the thermometer to show

a temperature of -- 4 °C.

Label the arrow -- 4 °C.

(c) The temperature was -- 10 °C.

It went up 15 °C.

What is the temperature now?

(d) Write these temperatures in order, coldest first.

3 °C, -- 10 °C, 0 °C, 20 °C, -- 1 °C

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