111111. Since there are six digits, there must be a repeated digit, so why not repeat all ones to get the smallest one.
111111 Any 6 digit number less than that would require a 0, which is an even number.
Find a four digit number whose digits will be reversed when multiplied by nine?
1414 is apparently both a triangular number and the smallest triangular number with four digits. It is also the Decimal expansion of sqrt(2) truncated and rounded to 4 places. There are many other mathematically esoteric aspects of 1414 if you care to check them out. 1414 is the smallest number whose square contains 3 consecutive 9's.1414 is the smallest number whose square contains 3 consecutive 9's. from http://www.celsius1414.com/mathematics
The smallest prime number, of course, is 2. The smallest prime number whose digits add up to 2 is, of course, 2. The next-smallest is 11. It is left as an exercise for the reader to determine whether the other numbers whose digits add up to 2 (e.g. 101, 1001, 10001) are prime.
The smallest two-digit prime number whose digits themselves are prime is 23. Both 2 and 3 are prime numbers, and together they form the prime number 23.
I think it will be 17. The sum of digits is 8, which is the cube of 2.
Smallest is 11 & Largest is 77.
There are no 3-digit whole numbers whose digits sum to 3. The smallest 3-digit number is 100, and the largest is 999, but in neither case is the sum of the digits equal to 3.