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Q: What is the solid angle of the sky?
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What is the difference between a plain angle and solid angle?

it is same as surface and volume ! a plane angle is 2D and solid angle is 3D

Difference between solid angle and planar angle?

A solid angle is 3-dimensional, a planar angle is 2-d.

What is Dihedral angle?

It is a solid angle, or an angle in 3-d space.

The angle between the suns position in the sky and the horizon is what?

The angle between the sun's position in the sky and the horizon is called the altitude of the sun. It is the measurement from the horizon to the center of the sun's disk. This angle changes throughout the day as the sun moves across the sky.

Is the sky solid?

No it is a gas.

How do you measure solid angle?

A solid angle, measured from a vertex, is the ratio between the area subtended by the angle at the vertex and the the square of the distance to the vertex. The unit of measurement is the stradian.

What is the unit of solid angle?

A steradian.

Is the sky a solid liqid or gas?


Why is sky blue when space has no colour?

the sky is blue because of the angle of the sun. the angle of the sun changes the angle of the white light coming from the sun. at sunrise or sunset the red wavelengths reach us instead of the blue wavelengths.

Is solid angle a vector or scalar quantity?

Solid angle is a scalar quantity, not a vector. It measures the angular extent or size of a region in three-dimensional space and does not have a specific direction associated with it.

Definition of solid angle?

solid angle is the ratio of the intercepted area dA of the spherical surface , described about the apex O as the centre ,to square of its radius r

What building in the world can touch the sky?

The sky is not a solid object that can be "touched". In a sense, EVERY building on Earth touches the sky.