Go 40.5 units of distance in any direction. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 40.5 units of distance in a straight line. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 40.5 units of distance in a straight line. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 40.5 units of distance in a straight line.
You will have travelled along a square route whose total distance is 162 units. Alternatively you could have turned counter clockwise each time.
multiply 162 and 8 and then take the square root. 36
The principal square root is the non-negative square root.
9 square root 2
It is 9 times square root of 2
2.83 to the nearest hundredth.
√(16x16) = √(162), and since the square and square root cancel, the square root of 16x16 is 16.
162... why didnt you use a calculator? its a perfect square.
The two whole numbers closest to 162 in square root form are 12 and 13.
12.72792206 (to eight decimal places)
multiply 162 and 8 and then take the square root. 36
sqrt(162) = 9*sqrt(2)
Square root of 25= 5. 5 + 144 + 13 = 162.