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sqrt(27) = sqrt(9*3) = sqrt(9)*sqrt(3) = 3*sqrt(3)

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Q: What is the square root of 27 in surd form?
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What is 27 in surd form?

Surds are irrational numbers and 27 is a rational number but if you mean the square root of 27 then it is an irrational number and expressed as a surd it is 3 times square root of 3.

What is the square root of 27 plus square root of 12?

Expressed as a surd in its simplest form, sqrt(27) + sqrt(12) = 5 sqrt(3). Expressed as a decimal, rounded to two decimal places, this is equal to 8.66.

What is 2 times the square root of 27?

Expressed as a surd in its simplest form, 2 x sqrt(27) = 6 sqrt(3). Expressed as a decimal, and rounded to two decimal places, this is equal to 10.39.

What is the root of 27 in radical form?

So I assume you mean the square root and square root of 27=square root of (9x3)=3(square root (3))

What is the simplest form of square root of 27?

3*square root(3) .

What is the simplest radical form for square 27?

If you actually mean "square root of 27", then the answer is 3√3

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What does the square root of 27 plus the square root of 5?

The square root of 27 plus the square root of 5 = 7.4322204

Square root of 27 plus the square root of 75 equal?

square root of 27 plus the square root of 75

What is the square root of 27?

The square root of 27 is 5.196152423...The square root of 27 is 5.19615242.5.19615242 x 5.19615242 = 27Simplified, the square root of 27 is 3 times the square root of 3.6.256 6.256

What is the sqaure root of 27?

The square root of 27 is approximately 5.196

What is 3 and the square root of -27?

-27 does not have a square root. The mathematical expression for the square root of-1 is i.