Using a calculator you can find that the square root of 65 is 8.062258. To take this to one decimal place you have to first consider only digits up to one decimal place. In this case that would be 8.0
The next step is to look at the second decimal place and assess if we need to round up. If it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 we round up, otherwise we leave the number as it is (round down). In this case, the second decimal is a 6, so we round up. Therefore, the square root of 65 to 1 decimal place is 8.1
The whole number closest to the square root of 65 is 8. The whole number closest to the square root of 65 is 8.
-8.0623 and +8.0623 (approx).
It's not. Take 49 and 16 for example. The square root of the sum is the square root of 65. The sum of the square roots is 11.
The answer is 8.1
65% as a decimal is 0.65. 65% as a % is 65%. 65% as a fraction is 65/100
Square root of 65 lies between 8.0 and 8.1. Explanation: Squares of natural numbers are {1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,...}, which are squares of {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,....} As 65 lies between 64 and 81, square root of 65 lies between 8 and 9 Further, 8.12 = 65.61 and as 8.02 = 64, square root of 65 lies between 8.0 and 8.1.
The square root of 65 is approximately 8.06
The square root of 65 cannot be simplified.
The whole number closest to the square root of 65 is 8. The whole number closest to the square root of 65 is 8.
The square root of 65 is between the integers of 8 and 9
It is: 12 times the square root of 65
It is greater because the square root of 65 is 8.06.
4.02073 to nearest 5th decimal.
It is: 65
Just over 65 (65 squared = 4225)
-8.0623 and +8.0623 (approx).