The standard form of one million thousand is 1.0 × 109
The standard form is 7,001,048
Forty million, one hundred thousand
The standard form is 369,014,001,000
The standard form of one million thousand is 1.0 × 109
One thousand million in standard form = 1.0 × 109
The standard form is 32,010,001
1,000,000,000 in standard notation or 1.0 × 109 in standard form.
The standard form is 7,001,048
1,300,000 or one million and three-hundred thousand. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by standard form.
The standard form is 1,035,005
The standard form is 71,821,010
Forty million, one hundred thousand
One million two hundred thirty-five thousand (1,235,000) in standard form is: 1.235 × 106