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Since the line is verticle, the only axis that can define the line is the x-axis. Therefore the equation of a verticle line is always in the form of x=a, where a is some constant. For example, x=1; this means that the verticle line passes through the point (1,0)i.e the x axis at 1.

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Q: What is the standard form of the equation for a vertical line?
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4. Write an equation in standard form for a line satisfying the given condition. Through -2 and 9 and -2 and 7.?

The standard form is Ax + By = C. The slope of the line is (9-7)/(-2 - (-2)) or 2/0. This indicates that this is a vertical line whose x intercept is -2. The equation of the line is then x = -2.

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When the slope is undefined, you know the line has to be vertical. Vertical lines only have an x in their equations. When you have the coordinates (2,4) with a vertical line, the equation for the slope intercept AND standard form would be the same thing: x=2

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A vertical line on a graph has an infinite slope, and no y-intercept.

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The slope of a vertical line is undefined and so there cannot be a slope-intercept form of the equation.

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A line with no slope is a vertical line. The slope is undefined, and cannot be represented by a real number. A horizontal line has a slope, but the slope is zero. Consider the "y = mx + b" form of the straight line equation. For a horizontal line the slope is zero, so y = 0x +b => y = b, which is the equation of a horizontal line. For a vertical line, there is no slope, so you can't substitute for m; the equation can't be written in the form y = mx +b. The equation of a vertical line has the form x = a.

How would you write an equation of a line in standard form?

the formula for standard form is Ax+By=C

What is the equation of a horizontal and a vertical line using standard slope form?

We usually denote the slope of a line as M. Horizontal lines have a slope of zero. Mhorizontal line = 0 Verticle lines have a slope that is undefined. Note that the slope is not infinite, but is undefined. Mvertical line = undefined To write the equation of a horizontal or vertical line, we need to know if it's going to be a slope-intercept form or a point-slope form.

Why cant you find ymx b to find the equation of a vertical line?

Because in a vertical line the slope is undefined, there is no "y" answer or "b" value and the line is in the form of x = some number such as x = 3 which is a vertical line.

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The standard form for the equation of a straight line is ax + by + c = 0

Which of the following is the standard form of the equation of a horizontal line?

y = b

which of the following is standard form of the equation of a horizontal line?


What is the equation of the vertical line passing through (-4-5)?

What is the equation of the vertical line passing through (-5,-2)