1.09 million = standard notation 1,090,000 - scientific notation is 1.09*106
Standard notation is 6,500,000,000 .Scientific notation is 6.5 x 109 .
Standard Notation: 7,800,000,000 Scientific Notation: 7.8 x 109
3.5 thousand million in Scientific Notation = 3.5 x 109
The standard notation of 0.05 million is 50,000(fifty thousand).
standard notation- 4,600,000
6.72 x 109 in standard notation = 6,720,000,000
2,700,000,000. * * * * * 2.7 billion, is standard notation, is 2.7*109
1,000,000,000 in standard notation or 1.0 × 109 in standard form.
26.7 million in standard notation is 26,700,000
The standard notation of 0.02 million is 20,000
71.1 million in standard notation is 71,100,000
Standard notation is 6,500,000,000 .Scientific notation is 6.5 x 109 .
Standard Notation: 7,800,000,000 Scientific Notation: 7.8 x 109
1.307 109 in standard form is: 1.307 x 1091.307 x 109 in standard notation is: 1,307,000,000
5,280 million in scientific notation is: 5.28 x 109
28.75 million = 28,750,000
5.3 million in standard notation is: 5,300,000