Sure thing, honey. In standard notation, 336 is simply 336. In word form, it's "three hundred thirty-six." Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
2.896016 x 10 to the sixth power (106) in standard notation is 2,896,016
your already have it in scientific notation... 6.25*10-5 In standard notation it looks like this... 0.0000625 In expanded notation it looks like this... 0.00006 + 0.000002 + 0.0000005 In word form it looks like this... six hundred five ten-millionths
Six thousand twenty five in standard notation is written as 6,025. This is because the digit "6" represents 6 thousands, the digit "0" represents 0 hundreds, the digit "2" represents 2 tens, and the digit "5" represents 5 ones. So, when combined, it forms the number 6,025 in standard notation.
six hundred and ten
The standard notation for five million-six hundred eight thousand is 5,608,000.
Sure thing, honey. In standard notation, 336 is simply 336. In word form, it's "three hundred thirty-six." Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Seventy-six thousand seven (76,007*) in standard form is 7.6007 × 104*this is the standard notation
Standard form = 6.000406 × 106Standard notation = 6,000,406
2.896016 x 10 to the sixth power (106) in standard notation is 2,896,016
Standard form = 2.76 × 100 Standard notation = 2.76