27, 5x3==15, 4x3=12 15=12=27
The greatest 3-digit number is 999. 9+9+9 = 27 The sum of the greatest 3-digit number is 27.
1 divided by 3.2/63/9.33 Repeating.You can also multiply any number by 0.3 or 1/3 to find one third of that number.
Sum the digits in blocks of three from right to left. If the result is divisible by 27, then the number is divisible by 27
27/3 = 9
27, 5x3==15, 4x3=12 15=12=27
The greatest 3-digit number is 999. 9+9+9 = 27 The sum of the greatest 3-digit number is 27.
1 divided by 3.2/63/9.33 Repeating.You can also multiply any number by 0.3 or 1/3 to find one third of that number.
No. 27 to the third power is a regular whole number.
Sum the digits in blocks of three from right to left. If the result is divisible by 27, then the number is divisible by 27
Let the number be 'n' & '2n' , Since '2n' is twice as large as 'n'. Hence 2n + n = 27 3n = 28 Divide both sides by '3' n = 9 Hence 2n - 18 Verification 9 + 18 =27
one third
Each number is one third of the previous number, the next number in the series would be 3