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1 Let its height be 5x and its width be 3x

2 So: 5x*3x*21 = 2835 => 315x2 = 2835 cubic cm

3 Divide both sides by 315 and then square root both sides

4 Then: x = 3 so then height is 5*3 = 15 cm and width is 3*3 = 9cm

5 Surface area: (2*15*9)+(2*15*21)+(2*9*21) = 1278 square cm

6 Check: 15*9*21 = 2835 cubic cm

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Q: What is the surface area of a rectangular prism whose cross-section in in the ratio of 5 to 3 and has a length of 21cm with a volume of 2835 cubic cm all work must be shown?
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