Any symbol can be used to denote a set of integers. The set of all integers is denoted by Z, and the set of natural numbers by N.
The symbol for the set of integers is Z. This comes from the German Zahl, which means integer.
The set of integers is the same as the set of whole numbers.
The set of positive integers, of course!
If the line is horizontal, it is the greek letter theta, often used to label an angle. If the line is diagonal, it is used to denote the diagonal of a circle. As the greek letter phi it is used to denote an empty set and also used to label an angle.
The set of integers is represented by Z.
It is Z, except that the font used is not one of the standard ones.
The symbol for the set of integers is Z from the German word "zahl" = integer.
The symbol for the set of integers is Z. This comes from the German Zahl, which means integer.
The symbol for the set of integers is Z and it comes from the German word Zahlen, meaning numbers.
ℤ is the symbol for the set of all integers, that is {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}.
putang ina neo bat walang sagot ang tanong ko sa inioo..? SHUNGA KAU..? ><
In mathematics, the symbol "ΓΈ" with a line through it is used to represent the empty set, which is a set with no elements. It is not used to represent the letter "o" or the number zero. The symbol is commonly used in set theory and mathematical logic to denote a unique set with no elements.
Q is the set of all rational numbers. The letter Q is used because rationals can be expressed as a quotient of two integers. Any letter from the Greek or Latin alphabet may be used as a symbol for an individual rational number.
The symbol for the set is Z, from the German Zahlen meaning numbers.
Apparently, it comes from the word "Zhalen" which is the German word for "Number". Apparently this word was chosen by N.Bourbaki, a group of mathematicians aiming to write a thorough unified account of all mathematics. Source: More information on N.Bourbaki group:
The set of integers represents the integers.