A number expressed to one decimal place (not one place decimal) is one that has a single digit after the decimal place. This is the digit in the tenths place so such a number may also be described as "rounded to the nearest tenth", or "accurate to a tenth".
It would be 0.8. The tenth place is one place behind the decimal, so if the hundredth place is 5 or higher the tenth place is rounded up.
The correct answer is in bold: 318.8
When talking about money one cent is two decimal places. $0.01 (one cent) one tenth of a cent is to three decimal places $0.001 (one tenth of a cent) So if you are rounding to the nearest tenth of a cent round to the third decimal place. Round up if the fourth decimal place is 5 or higher and round down if it is 4 or lower.
34 is one tenth of 340. This can be found by moving the decimal place one position to the left.
The tenth place in the decimal 11.0475 the answer is 0
The first place to the right of the decimal point.
It is 0.0 to the tenth place.
the tenth place
a decimal
It is a difference of 100X. The tenth place is the first column to the right of the decimal place. The tens place is the second column to the left of the decimal place.
A number expressed to one decimal place (not one place decimal) is one that has a single digit after the decimal place. This is the digit in the tenths place so such a number may also be described as "rounded to the nearest tenth", or "accurate to a tenth".
nearest tenth is first place after the decimal. Look to the second place after the decimal; if it is less than 5 you keep the original first place after the decimal; if grater than 5, you round up by adding 1 to the irst place after the decimal; in your case since the second place after decimal is 0 then the nearest tenth is 3.0
The first digit after the decimal point.
Tenth is the first decimal place, therefore, 8.814 to the nearest tenth is 8.8