Well, darling, that would be an egg. It's larger than a man when it comes to weight, but smaller than a hen in terms of size. So, there you have it - an egg, the perfect in-between size for all your poultry needs.
1 syllable:behn, behne, ben, benn, benne, bren, brenn, chen, chien, dehn, dehne, den, denn, denne, en, fehn, fenn, glen, glenn, gren, Gwen, hehn, hen, henn, henne, hren, jen, jenn, jenne, kehn, kehne, ken, kenn, kren, krenn, lehn, lehne, len, men, menn, menne, n, n., pen, penh, penn, prehn, prenn, rehn, ren, renn, renne, schwenn, sen, senn, senne, shen, sten, sven, then, tien, un, venn, venne, wen, when, wren, wrenn, yen, yuen, zen2 syllables:again, amen, and then, antenne, beauchesne, big ben, brood hen, but then, cayenne, courchesne, cow pen, derouen, duchenne, dufresne, fat hen, gray hen, heath hen, house wren, jiawen, john glenn, lawmen, light pen, magten, marsh hen, marsh wren, ming-jen, mud hen, nguyen, oilmen, phnom penh, pitchmen, po-jen, quill pen, rock wren, sage hen, salmen, sea pen, sedge wren, sheep pen, sheng-fen, teng-wen, u. n., uren, wise men, wood hen3 syllables:adrienne, anchormen, asean, ballpoint pen, broody hen, c. n. n., cactus wren, cattle pen, cnn, councilmen, fill again, fountain pen, gen., georgienne, guinea hen, handymen, hygienists, jenny wren, jungle hen, LPN, m. f. n., madeleine, maori hen, now and then, once again, only when, patrolmen, sdn, setting hen, tenn, then again, tienanmen, vannguyen, water hen, winter wren4 syllables:comedienne, e. s. p. n., gambling den, knin, never again, new zealand wren, now and again, opium den, over again, rock cornish hen, sebastiane, time and again5 syllables:again and again, Carolina wren, cnnfn, mother Carey's hen, time and time again6 syllables:every now and then7 syllables:over and over again
This implies a hen and a half would lay 3 eggs in 3 days. Therefore 3 hens would lays 6 eggs in 3 days. So one hen would lay 2 eggs in 3 days. Or one egg every day and a half.
I think it's a trick question. How do you dig a half a hole? And note that half a hen is working. Also, how could a wasp walk through a tin?
If you mean 60 divided by 12 then it is exactly 5 with no remainder.
120 eggs.
The rooster, or cock, is larger in size than the hen.
The hen is smaller and has a smaller tail, comb and wattle.The rooster is bigger has a larger tail, comb and wattle.
A female turkey is smaller than a male and does not have the showy plumage of a male. The female usually has brown or gray feathers and 10 to 20 percent of females will have a beard. They also have blueish gray heads with some feathers on them. Females have much smaller snoods than males as well.
Hen houses have two types of doors: larger doors for human use, and smaller doors (pop-holes) for fowl use.
It depends on what breed the hen is for example a bantam hen will be much smaller than a large chicken breed. The size of a chicken is not usually measured in dimensions anyway it is usually done in lb :)
A game hen is a small chicken that is usually under 2 pounds in weight. It is often more flavorful and tender compared to larger chickens, making it a popular choice for roasting or grilling. Game hens are often served individually as a single portion.
Even the largest wren is noticeably smaller than the robin, and is a different bird, altogether.
The circumference of an egg is determined by its shape, not its weight. However, in general, a larger egg like the peacock's egg is likely to have a larger circumference compared to a smaller egg like the hen's egg. So, the peacock's egg is likely to have a larger circumference.
their is no such thing as a hen rooster, a hen is rooster is a male chicken, and a hen is a female chicken.
their is no such thing as a hen rooster, a hen is rooster is a male chicken, and a hen is a female chicken.
Human eggs are smaller than hen's eggs because they have different functions. Human eggs are designed for fertilization and subsequent implantation in the uterus, while hen's eggs are meant to provide nutrients for a developing chick. Therefore, the size difference is due to their respective biological purposes.
At 22 weeks old, you can typically tell a hen from a rooster by looking at their physical characteristics. Roosters will have larger, more pronounced combs and wattles, longer and more pointed saddle and hackle feathers, and may exhibit more aggressive or dominant behavior. Hens will tend to have smaller combs and wattles, rounded and shorter feathers, and will likely start laying eggs if they are mature.