The top number in a fraction is called the "numerator". The bottom number is called the "denominator"
A fraction has two parts. On the top is the numerator, and on the bottom is the denominator. The line separating them is called the vinculum.
The top part of the fraction is called the numerator. The bottom part of a fraction is called the denominator. Numerator, as, in 3/4, 3 is the numerator and 4 is the denominator. The top number of a fraction is called a numerator and the bottom is called the denominator.
Usually TOP is used to represent the phrase "typical outlook post", which is refering to the outlook posts scouts used in the 20th century, in short, top means highest point.
It is the denominator and the top number is the numerator
The common term is "banister".
The post actually is the banister. The fat bit that you slide your hand on is called a handrail or a balustrade.
its called a newel.
a newel post
A banister is a railing up the side of stairs.
I believe the rail is called a banister here in Australia not sure about the rest of the world.:)
I believe the rail is called a banister here in Australia not sure about the rest of the world.:)
No, it is not a preposition. Banister is a noun. It is the railing of a staircase.
William Banister died in 1928.
William Banister was born in 1855.