Denominator. The top part is called the numerator.
The top part of the fraction is called the numerator. The bottom part of a fraction is called the denominator. Numerator, as, in 3/4, 3 is the numerator and 4 is the denominator. The top number of a fraction is called a numerator and the bottom is called the denominator.
numerator the top denominator the bottom
The top number in a fraction is called the "numerator". The bottom number is called the "denominator"
A fraction has two parts. On the top is the numerator, and on the bottom is the denominator. The line separating them is called the vinculum.
Your teacher will tell you if you have a top locker or bottom. If your Lucky she or he will let you pick if you want top or bottom.
The top part of broccoli is called the "head", and the lower part is the "stalk". Small pieces of the head are often called "florets."
The top part of a wave is called the crest, while the bottom part is called the trough.
The top part of a tornado is called "the top"
Well a half locker, like top and bottom is 12" by 28"
The top part of a dress is called the bodice.
The bottom part of your hand is the Palmar sideand the top part is the Dorsal side.
The top part of a shirt is called the collar. It is the part that goes around the neck area.
Denominator. The top part is called the numerator.
The top part of a wave is called the crest. It is the highest point of the wave above the rest position.
The top part of a shoe that covers the toes and the top of the foot is called the "upper." It is typically made of various materials such as leather, canvas, or synthetic fabrics.
The top part of a stalk would be the terminal bud or leaf.