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Digital convergence

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Q: What is the trend to merge multiple digital services into one device called?
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How did Charles Babbage's Difference engine work?

I have never seen a good diagram, but the device was mechanical, not electrical and would probably resemble an early code machine ( used to make and decode ciphers) or possibly a mechanical (these antedated the juice variety) digital clock the possibility exists it may have used a clockwork, wind up motor, also. read out would be digital as explained, like a mechanical adding machine or the now-rare mechanical digital clocks, which were invented in Germany. I have no further information on the Babbage device, which never was, well a household appliance.

All digits shown on the measuring device plus one estimated digit are consider?

significant digits. for short they are called "sig. figs."

Which measuring device is used to take the circumference of the body?

which measurement device is used tot take the circumference of the body

What does a base system device do?

A base system device can refer to many different things. In general it is computer driver that is needed for a smart ereader. In this instance, the base system device identifies the information needed for the application.

What is the Difference between pressure indicator and pressure gauge?

Pressure Indicator is any instrument that indicates pressure. Pressure Gauge is also a type of pressure Indicator. It is a mechanical device. Pressure indicators can work on mechanical deflection (in case of pressure gauge) or Piezo electric effect, change in capacitance, change in inductance etc. These are generally digital type instruments.

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A device that regenerates a digital signal is called?


What is it called when you convert a digital signal to analog?

When you convert digital signal to analog, it is called as an analog signal. The device used is called digital to analog converter.

A device that conveys information with analog signals and digital signals is called?

An Electronic Device

Is abacus a digital device?

nops its not a digital device

How CD players convert digital signal to and analog signal?

There is a device called a digital to analog converter (DAC).

Do a digital camera use an electronic image sensor to digitally record an image?

Digital light cameras use a device called a ____________.

What does digital device mean?

The definition of a digital device is an electronic device that processes its operations using individual distinct and separate digits and numbers. Digital devices can send, receive, process and store digital information.

Why digital camera called input device?

It is an input device because you are inputting pictures from the camera to the computer. It could also be considered an output device since it can display the pictures on its LCD display.

Can 555 timer be considered a digital device?

You can use it in both analog and digital circuits but it is considered as a digital device.

What would you call a device that works with binary data?

Digital Data is data that is stored in binary, and a Digital Device is any device that works with binary data

What type of a device is a Digi Box?

A Digibox is a box that allows users to receive digital satellite television signals. This device is marketed to user in the United Kingdom, and internet services can also be used through this device.

What is the name of the device that carries digital signals?

modem is the device that carries digital signals