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Q: What is the unit for potential energy?
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What unit shows the difference in charge between two points?

I don't think such a unit is used, or would make much sense, in physics. That sounds like the description of voltage - unit volt. However, the volt is not really a difference in electric charge, but rather, of electric potential. It can be understood as potential energy related to electric fields: if there is an electric potential between two points, it requires a certain amount of energy to move a unit charge from one point to the other. Thus, the unit volt is equivalent to joules / coulomb.

What does potential energy plus gravitational energy equals?

Gravitational-potential energy.

The metric unit for work is also called a?

Work is transfer of energy; thus, the unit of work is the same as the unit of energy. The SI unit is called "Joule".Work is transfer of energy; thus, the unit of work is the same as the unit of energy. The SI unit is called "Joule".Work is transfer of energy; thus, the unit of work is the same as the unit of energy. The SI unit is called "Joule".Work is transfer of energy; thus, the unit of work is the same as the unit of energy. The SI unit is called "Joule".

Why does a book on a high shelf have more potential energy than on a low shelf?

Well, honey, that book on the high shelf has more potential energy because it's got farther to fall. Gravity's just itching for the chance to show off its power and send that book plummeting down to the ground. So, the higher the book, the more potential energy it's got stored up just waiting to be unleashed.

As an interstellar gas cloud shrinks in size its gravitational potential energy?

As an interstellar gas cloud shrinks in size, it's gravitational potential energy gradually transforms into other forms of energy.

Related questions

What is the metric unit of potential energy?

The metric unit of potential energy is the joule (J).

What is the unit for potential and kenetic energy?

The unit for potential energy is the joule (J), which is also the unit for energy. The unit for kinetic energy is also the joule (J).

What is potential energy per unit charge?

Potential energy per unit charge is the electric potential, commonly referred to as voltage. It represents the amount of energy required to move a unit positive charge from a reference point to a given point in an electric field. The unit for potential energy per unit charge is volts (V).

What is the difference between electrical potential energy and potential difference?

Electric potential is the electric potential energy per unit coulomb. So unit for electric potential is J/C and that of electric potential energy is simply J

What is the unit of potential energy in SI system?

The unit of potential energy in the SI system is the joule (J).

What are the metric units for potential energy?

The metric unit for potential energy is the joule (J). It is the amount of energy an object has due to its position or state.

In what unit is potential energy?


What is the s1 unit for potencial energy?

The SI unit for potential energy is the joule (J).

What is the si unit for potential energy difference?

The SI unit for potential energy difference is joules (J).

What is the unit for gravitatonal potential energy?

Energy is measured in joules.

Si unit for gravitational potential energy?

(Kg.m^2)/sec^2In SI units,It's common unit is the JouleIn the SI, the unit for energy - any type of energy - is the joule.In the SI, the unit for energy - any type of energy - is the joule.

What is the SI unit for potential energy?

It is a Joule.