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There are several uses. I will mention two.

One is to make calculations more efficient. For example, suppose you want to calculate x^2 + 2x + 4. Each operation is binary, that is, two inputs are converted to one output.

Option I

  1. calculate x*x
  2. calculate 2*x
  3. add them together = x*x + 2*x
  4. add 4 to the above.


Option II

  1. calculate x+2
  2. multiply by the above by x = x^2 + 2x
  3. add 4 to the above.

That saves 1 binary operation in the calculation. If such a calculation is carried out thousands - or millions - of times, this small difference can save a lot of time.

Second, it is important to understand the behaviour of computation errors. Most rational numbers and all irrationals have infinitely long decimal - or binary - representations. Computers cannot work with infinitely long strings of digits and so need to truncate the numbers. This leads to rounding errors and understanding these is crucial in understanding the accuracy and limitations of your calculations.

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Q: What is the use of studying theory of computation?
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What is the major use of theory of computation?

Its a theory specially addressed to computing students and programming developers.

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What is the use of theory of computation?

In simple words to learn any natural language like ENGLISH, HINDI,FRENCH.... firstly we need to learn the vocabulary and grammar of that language. That means we have to learn how the language is actually specified. In the same way programming languages(formal languages) like C,C++, JAVA.... has their own vocabulary and grammar and such grammar is specified with the help of mathematical model that is called as Theory of Computation.

Do hackers need to learn the theory of computation?

No, theory of computation is purely in the realm of computer science theory. It deals with the fundamental computational ideas underpinning computer science. Some computer scientist never even fully learn the subject. As a hacker, unless a very good one, who wants to delve more into computer science, there is no requirement to learn it.

How can you use the word computation in a sentence?

The word computation is a noun for the act of calculating numbers, compiling numeric results. Example sentence: My computation shows that the cheaper material does not save money in the long run.

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Harold Simmons has written: 'Derivation and computation' -- subject(s): Curry-Howard isomorphism, Lambda calculus, Proof theory, Type theory

What does computation method mean?

maybe it means to use a calculator