The value of the 2 in 28,569 is 20,000 (twenty thousand) as it is in the ten thousands place.
2 = 20,000 twenty thousand
8 = 8,000 eight thousand
5 = 500 five hundred
6 = 60 sixty
9 = 9 nine
but what is the value of 2 in 3.2
The value is in the one's place.
Its place value is 20 but its face value is 2
The value of 2 in 2001391 is two million.
28569 = 28,569
It is: 28,600
Absolute value of -2 is 2.
There is one 2 whose value is 2 tenths and another two whose value is 2 hundredths.
but what is the value of 2 in 3.2
the value of 4n + 2 = 14
The additive value is (-2).
The value of Pi is 3.14 so the value of Pi by 2 is 6.28.
The value of the number 2 in 21547 is 2.
The value is in the one's place.