Well, darling, the value of 3 in 73 is 3. I mean, it's right there in the number, sweetie. Unless you're asking for some deep philosophical or mathematical interpretation of the digit 3 in the context of the number 73, in which case, I'm afraid I can't help you there, honey.
Absolute value of -73 is 73.
Since 73 is 73 units from 0, the absolute value of 73 is 73.
The value of the expression 73 is simply 73. In mathematics, an expression is a combination of numbers, symbols, and operators that represents a mathematical statement. In this case, the expression is just the number 73 itself, so its value remains 73.
It is 73, the middle value.
No - 73/3 = 24.3 recurring (that is, 24.3333..)
Absolute value of -73 is 73.
Since 73 is 73 units from 0, the absolute value of 73 is 73.
The value of the expression 73 is simply 73. In mathematics, an expression is a combination of numbers, symbols, and operators that represents a mathematical statement. In this case, the expression is just the number 73 itself, so its value remains 73.
73 235 no answer
The value of 73 is that it's a prime number
35% of 73 is 25.55
fraction = 3/73
73 * 3 = 219
3 x 73 = 219
It is 73, the middle value.
-73 + 28 = -45 |-73| - |28| = 73 - 28 = 45 (Since -73 has the largest absolute value keep its sign)