The value of 964 is, of course, 964.
The value of 4 in the number 964 is 400. The number 4 is in the hundredth place. The place value chart for 964 would be 900+60+4. In this case, 4 is in the hundredth place. That means it's worth 4*100 = 400.
964 is divisible by 1, 2, 4, 241, 482, 964.
Itself and any of its factors which are: 1, 2, 4, 241, 482 and 964
964 = (9 x 100) + (6 x 10) + (4 x 1)
The smallest factor of 964 is 2. The smallest multiple of 964 is 1928.
There are 3 feet in one yard. Therefore, 320 yards is equal to 320 x 3 = 960 feet. Subtracting this from 964 feet gives 964 - 960 = 4 feet. Therefore the difference between the two lengths is 4 feet.
964 / 2 is equal to 482.
964 + 44462 = 45,426