8 and 9/10
1 ounce [troy] = 31.103 476 8 gram 1 ounce = 28.349 523 125 gram
It is -8.The absolute value of -8 is +8.The multiplicative opposite of 8 is 1/8,the additive opposite of 8 is -8, and there are other "opposites".
An absolute value is the magnitude of a real number without regard to its sign. This means that first you do the functions that are inside the absolute value signs. Then you take whatever you have left and look at that number, regardless if it is negative or positive. |7|=7 |8|=8 |7-8|=1 |8-7|=1
Eighty thousand (80,000)
523 x 18 = (523 x 10) + (523 x 8)
8 and 9/10
1 ounce [troy] = 31.103 476 8 gram 1 ounce = 28.349 523 125 gram
Absolute value of -8 and 9 is 1.
Lex Luger held the title for 523 days or 1 year 5 months 8 days
The value is 1/8 = 0.125
It is -8.The absolute value of -8 is +8.The multiplicative opposite of 8 is 1/8,the additive opposite of 8 is -8, and there are other "opposites".