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It is 9/10 = nine tenths

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Q: What is the value of 9 in the number 32.9?
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What is 9 in index form?

9 = 329 = 329 = 329 = 32

Is 329 divisible by 9?

Not evenly. 329/9 = 36.555...

What are the factors of the number 329?

The number 329 is 7 x 47.

What are all the factors of the number 329?

The factors of 329 are: 1, 7, 47, 329.

What number follows 329?

The number that follows 329 is 300.Answer:All numbers (n) such that n-329>0 follow 329. The integer that immediately follows 329 (329+1) is 330.

Is 329 a prime or composite number?

It is a composite number: 329 = 7 x 47329 is a composite number. Its factors are 1, 7, 47, and 329.

Which square feet is big 329.9 or 784?

784 is bigger than 329.9. It doesn't matter how many digits the number has, but the actual value of the number is all that matters. .9 is actually the fraction 9/10. So, it would be like saying: Which square foot is bigger, 329 and 9/10 or 784.

Face value of 9 in 43943?

The face value of any number is equal to the number itself. Therefore, the face value of the 9 in the number 43943 is 9.

What is the mixed number of 329 over 48?

The mixed number of 329 over 48 is 641/48

Definition of absolute value of number?

The absolute value is the distance the number is from 0. Basically, you take the positive value of the number inside the lines. Ex. |-9| = 9, and |9| = 9.

What is the difference between the face value and place value of 3 in 329?

The place value of the 3 in 329 is 300. The face value is 3. Therefore, the difference between the two is 300 - 3 = 297.

Which is the value of the 9 in the number 3.093?

The value of the digit 9 in the number 3.093 is nine hundredths.