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The solubility graph shows how much of a solute will dissolve in a given solvent at a given temperature.

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Q: What is the value of a solubility graph?
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What relationship between temperature and solubility does this graph reveal?

The graph likely shows that as temperature increases, the solubility of the substance increases as well. This suggests a positive correlation between temperature and solubility.

Is there a graph of Sodium acetate solubility?

Yes, there is a solubility graph for sodium acetate, which shows how its solubility changes with temperature. Sodium acetate is more soluble in hot water than in cold water, and its solubility increases as temperature rises.

What is ordered value bar graph?

An ordered value bar graph is a value bar graph in which data values are arranged in increasing (or decreasing) order of length.

How do you find range in a graph?

Take the largest value in the graph and subtract the smallest value from it.

Which one of the graphs shown best describes the solubility of potassium nitrate (KNO3) in water at different temperatures?

The graph showing an increase in solubility of potassium nitrate with increasing temperature best describes its solubility in water. This is because potassium nitrate has a positive solubility-temperature relationship, meaning its solubility increases as the temperature of the water increases.

What is a Value Bar Graph?

a graph that shows the data.

What is directly and invertly related on a graph?

The x value and the y value are directly and invertly related on a graph. This only occurs in a specific type of graph called a proportional graph.

Why do the temperatures on the solubility graph only go from 0 to 100 celsius?

Solubility expresses the ability of a substance to dissolve in water.Below zero C, you have ice.Above 100 C, you have steam.In either case, you no longer have water, so the question of solubility is moot.

Is there a graph showing the solubility of NaCl in water vs pressure and NaCl solubility in water vs temperature up to 400 degrees Fairenheit?

Yes, there are graphs showing the solubility of NaCl in water vs temperature and pressure. At room temperature and standard pressure, NaCl solubility is around 36 g per 100 ml water. As temperature increases, solubility also increases. Pressure has a smaller effect on NaCl solubility compared to temperature. A graph can illustrate these relationships visually.

What do you call a V-shape on a graph?

That is a result of an absolute value equation. So an Absolute Value Graph

Why use slopes?

The slope of a graph provides general information about a graph. It tells you how much the y value of the graph increases (or decreases, if the slope is negative) for a given increase in x value. if you look at the general equation of a graph y = a x + b the value "a" represents the slope and the "b" value represents the value of y when x = 0. When the graph is not a straight line, the discussion gets more complicated, however the slope still describes changes in the value of the graph (you have to use calculus for this situation.)

What idea will the partitional coefficient value give you about the solubility?

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