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add 3 both sides




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Q: What is the value of p in this inequality p -3 8?
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What is 5 greater than or equal to p minus 3?

It is an inequality than can be solved for p: 5 ≥ p - 3 → p - 3 ≤ 5 → p ≤ 8 So any value less than, or equal to, 8 will do for p.

What is the answer to (p-4)3?

(p - 4)3 is an expression, not an equation nor inequality. It can, therefore, have no answer.

How do you solve 3 plus p equals 8?

3 + P = 8 Therefore: P = 8 - 3 P = 5

If 4p plus 3 equals -6p plus -5 what is p's value?

4p+3 = -6p-5 4p+6p = -5-3 10p = -8 p = -0.8 Substituting the value of p into the original equation gives you: -1/5 = -1/5

Solve the inequality negative 3p is greater than 105?

-3p > 105 divide both sides by -3 and remember that when multiplying or dividing by a negative number, you reverse the sense of the inequality: p < -35 To check to make sure the answer makes sense, select a value of p that is less than -35. For example, -100: (-3)(-100) > 105 300 > 105 which is true.

What is the statement p is not positive turned into a inequality?

It is p <= 0.

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How many P's are equal in value to 0 pound and 8 p?

eight £0.08 = 8 pence

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Q=3-P Q=7-P If Q is a private good, MC=8, how much is optimal?

What is p-2(p3-p4)+p-1(pq+p2a)?

Given p=2−a to prove a 3 +6ap+p 3 −8=0...(1) Now put the value of P in eq (1) a 3 +6a(2−a)+(2−a) 3 −8=0 ⇒a 3 +12a−6a 2 +8−a 3 −12a+6a 2 −8=0 [∴(a−b) 3 =a 3 −b 3 −3a 2 b+3ab 2 ] ⇒0=0 (By eliminating equal terms we have LHS = RHS)

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If you mean 8 -2p = 4 then the value of p is 2

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The only possible value of p is 3.