1cbm stands for 1 cubic meter, which is a unit of volume measurement equal to a cube that is 1 meter on each side. It is commonly used to measure the volume of solids, liquids, or gases.
It is depend on the moisture of logs. Generally, BDMT=CBM - moisture For example: 1cbm of pine logs has 65% moisture. It means that 1cbm of logs content 65% of water, and only 35% of wood. So, in this case, 1 BDMT=0.35CBM or 1CBM=0.35 BDMT
To convert 1 cubic meter (cbm) to kilograms (kgs), you need to know the density of the substance you are measuring. The formula to convert cubic meters to kilograms is: mass (kg) = volume (cbm) x density (kg/cbm). Multiply 1 cbm by the density of the substance to get the equivalent weight in kilograms.