

What is the volume of brick?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Depends on its size obviously. You multiply his hight with his length and depth

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Q: What is the volume of brick?
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How much does a 10 pound brick weigh underwater?

That depends on the volume of the brick. Whatever its volume is, its weight underwater is(weight of the brick in air) minus (weight of an equal volume of water)

What is the density of a brick with a volume of om and a mass of kg?

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the volume of a brick?

length widthdepth

Can you use cm to measured volume of a brick?

Yes, but of course it will require math. cm is centimeters, a form of measurement and a brick is a rectangular prism. So then, when you measure the dimensions of a brick, you do Volume=(length)x(width)x(height) and that's how you find the volume of a brick using cm.

How do you find the density of a brick?

Density is Weight per Volume so you measure the weight of the brick using a scale and find the volume by multiplying length by width by height and then divide the weight by the volume.

What is the volume of a gold brick?

14.5 Cubic Inches.

What if a sponge and a brick are the same size they have the same what?


How can you find the volume of a brick?

measure the height, length, and width of the brick...then multiply all of those answers :)

What is the volume of a standard size brick?

The size of a standard size brick is 3 5/8-inches by 2 1/4-inches, by 8-inches. The formula to find volume is length x width x height, so the volume of a standard sized brick is 67.5.

What 2 ways could you find out a volume of a brick?

Submersion method: fill a container and mark its volume. Place the brick in the water. Measure the new level. Calculate the volume difference from before and after. Dimension-measuring method: measure the length, width and depth of the brick, Multiply them together.

Are big stuff always the heaviest?

No, take brick and a pillow. By volume, the pillow is the biggest, but it is lighter than the brick.

Why is there an upward force an objects in a fluid?

Because an object has to displace an equivalent volume to be able to sink. Say you dropped a brick into a bucket of water, brick and water cannot occupy the same space at the same time so for the brick to sink it has to "displace" or move a volume of water equal to the size of the brick. That's why when you get in the bath the water level rises - you have displaced a volume of water equal to the size of your body.