A fraction can have non-zero whole number value when the improper fraction is such that the numerator is an exact (whole number) multiple (which is not zero) of the denominator will the fraction have a whole number value. for example 10/5 = (5×2)/(5×1) = 2/1 = 2 ÷ 1 = 2.
To write the fraction 5/5 as a whole number, you can simplify it by dividing the numerator (5) by the denominator (5), which equals 1. Therefore, the fraction 5/5 is equivalent to the whole number 1.
A whole number is a number that is not a fraction or decimal, and it does not include negative numbers or zero. The whole number of 5 is simply 5. It is a positive integer that can be represented on the number line as a point 5 units to the right of zero.
The answer can be another fraction and a whole number or it can be a whole number.
Yes, it is improper. An Improper fraction is a fraction that can be simplified as a mixed/whole number. So 5/5 can be simplified to 1.
how to write 6/9 as a product of a whole number and a unit fraction.
A mixed number is a whole number that is coupled with a fraction. For example: 7 9/15 (where 7 is the whole number and 9/15 is the fraction) or 5 3/4 (where 5 is the whole number and 3/4 is the fraction)
A fraction can have non-zero whole number value when the improper fraction is such that the numerator is an exact (whole number) multiple (which is not zero) of the denominator will the fraction have a whole number value. for example 10/5 = (5×2)/(5×1) = 2/1 = 2 ÷ 1 = 2.
To write the fraction 20/5 as a whole number, you need to perform the division operation. In this case, 20 divided by 5 equals 4. Therefore, the fraction 20/5 can be written as the whole number 4.
To write the fraction 5/5 as a whole number, you can simplify it by dividing the numerator (5) by the denominator (5), which equals 1. Therefore, the fraction 5/5 is equivalent to the whole number 1.
If it is a fraction like 5/5 than you can make it into a whole number which in this case is 1, but if you have a fraction such as 3/8 the closest whole number you can get is 0.375 which by the way is not a whole number. however technically, 5/5 is not proper. A proper fraction is when the numerator is less than the denominator, therefore it is simply impossible.
Write your whole number in the numerator, and the number 1 in the denominator. For example, 5 = 5/1.
A whole number is a number that is not a fraction or decimal, and it does not include negative numbers or zero. The whole number of 5 is simply 5. It is a positive integer that can be represented on the number line as a point 5 units to the right of zero.
The denominator of a fraction represents the total number of equal parts into which a whole is divided. It indicates the number of equal parts the whole is divided into and is located below the fraction bar. For example, in the fraction 3/5, the denominator is 5, representing the total number of equal parts in the whole.
A mixed number is one that has a whole number with an accompanying fraction. To convert to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the numerator. This number replaces the numerator. For example 3 2/5 = (15 + 2)/5 or 17/5.