24/8 is 3 as a whole number.
24/32 is a fraction and there is no way to express it as a whole number.
24% = 2,400
24 is already a whole number, so rounding makes no difference. The answer is 24.
It is 24.
24 is, itself, a whole number so the answer is 24.
9/24 is not a whole number, so no whole number is equivalent to it.
24/8 is 3 as a whole number.
24% is a fraction and there is no way to represent it as a whole number.
24 is a whole number.
The whole number is three.
24/32 is a fraction and there is no way to express it as a whole number.
24% = 2,400
If you divide 24 by 9, you do not get a whole number answer.
24/3 = 8, a whole number.
24 is already a whole number, so rounding makes no difference. The answer is 24.